Welcome to the Settlement Website for the 3D Systems Securities Settlement, in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina (the “Litigation”).

The Court-appointed Lead Plaintiff, KBC Asset Management NV, on behalf of itself and the other members of the Class (defined below), has reached a settlement of the Litigation for $50,000,000 in cash that settles all claims of the Class.

If you are a member of the Class, your rights are affected and you may be eligible for a payment from the Settlement. The Class consists of:

All persons or entities who purchased, or otherwise acquired, shares of 3D Systems common stock between October 29, 2013, through and including May 5, 2015 (“Class Period”), and were damaged thereby, except for certain persons and entities who are excluded from the Class (see Q&A 4 of the Notice).

If you are a member of the Class, in order to be potentially eligible to receive a payment under the settlement, you must have submitted a Proof of Claim no later than July 11, 2018. Payments were issued to Authorized Claimants on February 25, 2020. If you have questions about your payment, please contact the Claims Administrator at 1-877-553-7003 (Toll-Free) or info@3DSystemsSecuritiesSettlement.com.

The Frequently Asked Questions page of this website has more information on your rights as a Class Member in this Litigation.

Your Legal Rights and Options in this Settlement

The only way to be eligible to receive a payment from the Settlement.

Proofs of Claim must have been postmarked (if mailed) or received on or before July 11, 2018.


Get no payment. This is the only option that potentially allows you to ever be part of any other lawsuit against any of the Defendants or any other Released Persons about the legal claims being resolved by this Settlement.

Exclusions must have been postmarked on or before May 29, 2018.


Write to the Court about why you do not like the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation and/or the request for attorneys’ fees and expenses. You will still be a Member of the Class.

Objections must have been received by the Court and counsel for the Settling Parties on or before May 29, 2018.

GO TO A HEARING Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement.
DO NOTHING Receive no payment. You will, however, still be a Member of the Class, which means that you give up your right to ever be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants or any other Released Persons about the legal claims being resolved by this Settlement and you will be bound by any judgments or orders entered by the Court in the Litigation.

Current Status

Payments were issued to Authorized Claimants on February 25, 2020 If you have questions about your payment, please contact the Claims Administrator at 1-877-553-7003 (Toll-Free) or info@3DSystemsSecuritiesSettlement.com.

Important Dates

  • October 29, 2013 - May 5, 2015 (Inclusive)
    Class Period
  • May 29, 2018
    Deadline to Exclude Yourself from the Class
  • May 29, 2018
    Deadline to Object to the Settlement
  • July 11, 2018
    Deadline to Submit a Proof of Claim
  • June 25, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.
    Settlement Hearing